This simple trick will get your prized poultry (just kidding!) back into shape.
Train your guinea pig to run either up the stairs or down the stairs:
What you need: stairs
1. Determine which direction your pig should run -- agouti guinea pigs tend to like running down, whereas other breeds prefer to run up.
2. Bribery
    a) Up the stairs: place a small treat on the stair above the one which your guinea pig is on, as well as the ones above that (a slice of carrot works well)
    b) Down the stairs: place a small treat on the stair below the one which your guinea pig is on, as well as the ones below that
3. Position your guinea pig so that it is facing the stair which you would like it to step onto
4. Assist your guinea pig in climbing*
    a) Up the stairs: hold the front of your cavy up so that its front paws are on the step above. Gently push its buttocks until it hops onto the stair.
    b) Down the stairs: hold the front of your cavy so that its front paws are one the stair below the stair which its hind legs are on. If your pig doesn't jump down by itself, gently push its buttocks until it does.

After a while of training your guinea pig (a couple of weeks), it should complete the staircase by itself when prompted for the first stair.
* You can train your guinea pig to climb / descend the stairs if you repeat a word such as "go" while training it. Eventually, it will automatically climb when you say that word.

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